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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. Chow LIne: Are you getting enough vitamin D?

    cautious about recommending a higher intake, because excess vitamin D is not passed from the body but is ...

  2. Chow Line: Paleo diet has pros and cons

    Similarly, the diet’s lack of concern about saturated fat tends to raise eyebrows. Still, if you’re trying to ...

  3. Top Tips to Save Money, Use Sprayer Efficiently

    the actual spraying and cleaning the equipment. Be well informed about the specific recommendations ...

  4. Buckeyes Huddle Before the Big Ten Ag Alumni Reception in D.C.

    About 30 Buckeyes heard the latest on our new facilities and additional progress at a mixer for ...

  5. CFAES faculty, staff win national, regional honors

    and Endocrinology Award from the American Society of Animal Science. More.  Learning About Food in ... Urban Communities OSU Extension’s Learning about Food in Urban Communities—A Total Extension Program ...

  6. Buckeyes Converge on Battle Creek, Mi. for CFAES Alumni Reception

    enjoyed two hours of heavy hors-d'oeuvres and compelling conversation about the college. They had an ...

  7. Ohio State Food, Ag, Env Calendar Listings as of March 21

    Somerset Courthouse, 100 Public Square, Somerset. Registration: $20. Pre-registration is required. ...

  8. You’re invited: Horticulture and Crop Science Cultivate’16 reception

    horticulture trade show in North America. If you would like to learn more about the Cultivate’16 Event, please ...

  9. Alum assumes role as Ohio State ATI director in April

    her graduate program. “I’m excited about returning to Ohio State University in this new and different ...

  10. Communication and Conflict Management

    work or at home. How we manage conflict has a direct impact on how fulfilled we feel about our work, ...
