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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Iceland Study Abroad Information Session

    Environment & Natural Resources- Iceland. In addition to learning about environmental issues, ... students will learn about industries such as fishing and whaling, and Icelandic tourism and park management ...

  2. DISCflex Workshop

    weaknesses, basic assumptions about other people), and a 360º view based on input from others you select. ... learn more about all OSU Leadership Center workshops at ...

  3. SENR Seminar Series- Dr. Raj Paroda

    developments in technology and policies.   About our speaker: Dr. Raj Paroda is former Director General of the ...

  4. Understanding Algal Blooms: State of the Science Conference

    Highlights: current scientific knowledge about algal blooms, their causes and best management ...

  5. Why your supermarket tomatoes taste so bland and what we can do about it

    your supermarket tomatoes taste so bland and what we can do about it," will be held at 5:00 pm in ...

  6. OSU Extension Conference – Outreach and Engagement Conference

    opportunities to learn about each other’s work and explore opportunities for collaboration. It is also important ...

  7. OSUE SWRD Candidate Melinda Morrison

    reservations Unacceptable Additional comments about the candidate: I based the feedback above on: (select all ...

  8. OSUE SWRD Candidate Mark Light

    reservations Unacceptable Additional comments about the candidate: I based the feedback above on: (select all ...

  9. Taxonomy and Osmoregulatory Capacity in Non-native Herichthys Cichlid Fishes in the Gulf Coast Region

    sites in the southern US. Herichthys cf. cyanoguttatus specimens sampled in Louisiana had an obliquely ...

  10. Study: Most Farmers Willing to Take More Steps to Improve Water Quality

    motivate farmers to take actions on their farms to lessen nutrient loss, you should be talking about how ... Wilson said. “Despite some stereotypes of farmers that they just care about profits and don’t care about ... water quality, farmers are generally concerned about nutrient loss and the impacts of that on water ...
