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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. Dining with Diabetes

    a week. Class activities include learning about appropriate food choices, preparation of diabetic friendly ...

  2. Faculty Perspectives on Research

    about research?  Come to this panel to hear what professors from various disciplines have to say about ... working with undergraduate researchers.  Learn more about what they expect from undergraduate researchers, ...

  3. Strategies to Survive Tight Margins

    maximize income? What about each farmer specializing in a farming practice such as planting, spraying and ...

  4. Opportunity for Undergraduates Weaves Together Mission Areas

    and learn more about current research projects and procedures to collect data to strengthen on-farm ... about the Agronomic Crops Team, visit:   Photo caption:  ACRE Intern Josh ...

  5. Why We Don't Believe Science: A Perspective From Decision Psychology

    decision making. She has worked extensively with the U.S. National Cancer Institute and Food and Drug ...

  6. 4-H Volunteer Training- Risk Managment in 4-H Clubs

    Come to this training to learn about all the risks and how to minimize them in your 4-H club. ...

  7. EEOB Spring Seminar Series

    produced over 200 technical publications and he has edited three books dealing with marine ecology. Dr. ...

  8. Feeding Your Feathered Friends? Study Finds Complex Relationships Among Bird Feeders, Predators and Nest Survival

    Banding Laboratory at the U.S. Geological Survey’s  Patuxent Wildlife Research Center  in Maryland. ...

  9. 4-H Volunteer Training- Risk Management in 4-H Clubs

    Come to this training to learn about all the risks and how to minimize them in your 4-H club. ...

  10. Consider a Summer Annual for Stored or Grazing Forage Needs

    teff grass at 4 to 5 pounds/acre and corn used as forage can be planted at about 80,000 kernels/acre ... feed to a mediocre or even poor quality feed in about 7-10 days under good growing conditions.   Plan ...             For more information about the use of summer annuals as a supplemental pasture or stored feed ...
