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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. Higher Carbon Dioxide Levels Prompt More Plant Growth, But Fewer Nutrients

    spurred by higher carbon dioxide levels may bring about small gains in the amount of leaves, stem and ...

  2. Good Weather, Innovation Drive Farm Science Review Attendance

    a wonderful opportunity to learn about the latest agricultural research and innovation, said Matt Sullivan, ...

  3. Manure Science Review Slated Aug. 12: How to Maximize Crop Benefits, Minimize Water Risks

    Farms, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The event’s sponsors include Ohio Farm Bureau, the Ohio ...

  4. Chow Line: Take precautions if stuffing turkey

    Cooking a stuffed turkey is potentially more risky than cooking one without, and the U.S. Department of ...

  5. Charter Captains' Conference, Huron

    Charter Captains' Conference, Updates about Lake Erie’s 2016 fishing outlook, environmental ...

  6. Introduction to Entomophagy, Columbus

    Introduction to Entomophagy, Learn about cultural and nutritional aspects of entomophagy, meet ...

  7. Chow Line: Restrictive diet can help ease intestinal issues

    low-FODMAP group reported major improvement in abdominal pain, while only about 20 percent of those in the ...

  8. Marketing Educational Program, Stow

    Marketing Educational Program, Learn about low- or no-cost ways to effectively promote their ...

  9. Marketing Educational Program, Bowling Green

    Marketing Educational Program, Learn about low- or no-cost ways to effectively promote their ...

  10. Uneven Soybean Emergence May Call for Some Growers to Replant

    percent emerged, according to the June 3 U.S. Department of Agriculture crop progress report. That ...
