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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. Chow Line: In college? Study labels for calcium

    about that? It’s not unusual for young adults in your situation to fall into poor eating habits. You’ll ... still need 1,000 milligrams a day. Milk contains about 300 milligrams of calcium per cup. Of course, ...

  2. Research, Preparation Key to Getting Internships

    — include:  Think about what you want to do with your career early on. Do background research on the types of ... an internship or have a capstone experience before they graduate. “It’s all about making yourself ...

  3. Chow Line: Food safety: Why older people face more risk

    and 57 percent of deaths. What makes older people more susceptible to these complications? The U.S ...

  4. Tips and Events for the Week of Oct. 15

    The Ohio State University. The annual series helps tax preparers learn about federal tax law changes ...

  5. Olentangy Wetland to Host Earth Day Cleanup

    ongoing restoration efforts at the wetland, to learn about the facility, and to spend a morning ...

  6. OSU Extension: ‘Superfruits’ Could Offer Ohio Growers Alternative Income Source; Workshop Set for Aug. 20

    Superberry Project is funded by a specialty crop block grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture through ...

  7. How Antarctica’s Only Native Insect Survives: Ohio State Grad Nets Honor

    research center in the U.S. The center works not just on food and farming but also, for instance, on ...

  8. Spring 2015 Continuum College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental ... Sciences Read about the impact our faculty, staff, students and alumni are having! Wednesday, May 20, 2015 ...

  9. Northwest Ohio Precision Ag Day is Aug. 4

    For more information, contact Richer at 419-337-9210 or Details about the event, ...

  10. Student Profile: Caitlyn Black

    Caitlyn talks about her decision to come to The Ohio State University and about the great ...
