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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. Corn Pollination Underway in Early Planted Fields

    and silk about the same time although some variability exists among hybrids and environments. On ...

  2. Selling Timber? Consider This...

    for woodland owners and those interested in learning more about the forests of Ohio. Selling timber ...

  3. Evaluate Alfalfa Stands For Winter Injury

                 Source: Undersander et al 2011, University of WI Extension publication A3620 While plant and stem ...

  4. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2011-36

    preventative control.   Moving/Flowing Grain- Dangerous Stuff There is just something about a wagon full of ... grain that seems to be inviting to jump into and wallow about in it.  The feel of the grain flowing like ... takes 3 or 4 seconds to become helpless in flowing grain.  In about 20 seconds, an average-sized man can ...

  5. Earth Day at the Schiermeier Wetland Research Park

    river/site clean-up.  Together we can make a difference!  Please join us at 9:30am for coffee and bagels ...

  6. Undergraduate Research Info Session

    about the possibilities of undergraduate research.  Another session is offered Nov. 7th. All sessions ...

  7. IRB Training for Undergraduates

    approval from an Institutional Review Board (IRB). Come learn about the approval process, and know the ...

  8. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2006-13

    can be found at: For additional information about BCW and ... corn fields across Ohio. Dry soil conditions were raising concerns about the efficacy of preemergence ... in the soil is depleted after about 48 hours in a flooded soil. Without oxygen, the plant cannot ...

  9. Selling Timber? Consider This...

    for woodland owners and those interested in learning more about the forests of Ohio. Selling timber ...

  10. Ghana Sustainable Change Study Abroad Information Session

    weeks). Learn about the culture, history and present development challenges in Ghana while working in ... initiate implementation of projects and share the results of their research effort. To learn more about ...
