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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Conservation Tillage and Technology Conference Boasts New Sessions

    include the Northwest Ohio Soil and Water Conservation Districts, U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural ...

  2. Smart Stuff with Twig Walkingstick: Osage Orange You Glad to See One? (for the Week of Nov. 2, 2008)

    tree.-- Notes: The Pará rubber tree grows in the tropics. We talked about Osage-orange trees, which ... Trees bulletin, About This: "Smart Stuff with Twig ... about science, nature, farming and the environment. It's written at, to and for a 4th-grade reading ...

  3. Learn How to Apply for SARE Grants at FSR

    these individuals can now apply for a U.S. Department of Agriculture Sustainable Agriculture Research ...

  4. Ohio Aquaculture Association Meeting to Provide Latest in Aquaculture Production/Business

    presenting workshops include: • Laura Tiu, OSU South Centers at Piketon-- review of the 2008 U.S. Prawn ...

  5. Family Fundamentals: Give child choices to help improve behavior (for November 2008)

    which you would talk to him about why his behavior was unacceptable and how he could handle the ... traditional time-out methods that you might find helpful. The key concept: Life is all about choices. First, ... forget about designating a special time-out spot. If the goal of the time-out is to redirect behavior, ...

  6. Continued Dry Weather May Spell Lodging Trouble for Corn

    concerned about this year is stalk quality. Some of the corn did get moisture during critical stages of ... maturity in about two to three weeks. "As plants near maturity, the lower portion of corn plants in ... start losing their green color. "As the crop matures, continue to check fields and squeeze about ...

  7. CTTC Record Crowd Looking to Conservation Practices for On-Farm Savings

    personnel, and other U.S. Department of Agriculture folks." Each year the conference welcomes farmers ... Canada. It features about 60 speakers. University specialists, industry representatives and farmers cover ...

  8. Continuous Corn Could Impact Water Quality

    acreage for continuous corn production. Though no official acreage numbers from the U.S. Department of ... Agriculture have been released for Ohio, anecdotal numbers puts increased corn acreage at about 10 percent. ...

  9. OARDC Scientist Honored for Inventions; Moves 'Discoveries Closer to the Marketplace'

    Ohio State University Gamma Sigma Delta Research Award, has been a U.S. Department of Agriculture ...

  10. Farm Equipment Lighting Law to be Discussed at OSU Field Day

    highway. The event runs from 2 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. The event is free to the public and pre-registration is ...
