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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. Sequestering Carbon in Costa Rican Agriculture to Mitigate Climate Change

    International Agricultural Science and Technology Fellowship Program, funded by the U.S. Department of ...

  2. New OSU Extension Expert Working with Growers to Reduce Nutrient Loads

    team is hoping to work with about 30 growers for the project. Growers would have a large degree of ...

  3. Aquaculture Boot Camp-2 recruits 2018 students for free

    great to learn more about aquaculture or aquaponics through the sharing of information and resources and ...

  4. Water: the next generation’s oil?

    students. To learn about research conducted at the Wilma H. Schiermeier Olentangy River Wetlands Research ...

  5. Ohio State to Host Statewide Farm to School Conference March 2013

    students’ access to healthy foods and to help them learn more about food, health, nutrition and ...

  6. Whiz Bang! Science Show, Wooster

    Encourages children to learn more about science. Free. Information: ...

  7. What is the Color of Your Personality Spectrum?

    about figuring out why people act the way they do.  Spectrum Temperament is a fun interactive uses the ... awareness about how they can improve their workplace through learning more about their co-workers. ...

  8. Frost Seeding Easy, Inexpensive Way to Improve Pastures

    forages as an important part of their operations. “It’s all about letting the natural weather cycle of ...

  9. Scout, Avoid Southern Cottonseed Manure to Stop Palmer Amaranth in Ohio

    products, it’s likely that many other operators and feed dealers have not received information about this ...

  10. How to Test for Prussic Acid Content in Forages

    from it are rare   because most producers are very good about following the guidelines to prevent ...
