CFAES Give Today
Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. Building a Resume

    relevant information about yourself to include in the résumé. 2. Indicate a connection between the type of ... specific about your goals while tailoring the objective to the job you are applying for. Make sure that you ...

  2. Reminder –Western Agricultural Research Station to have Two Field Days Next Week

    about 2:15. Lunch is included along with demonstrations on nutrient placement, cover crops and ...

  3. Planter Field Day

    representative will be on hand to talk about planter specifications.  The event will be held on May 31 from 8:00 ...

  4. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2011-21

    about options for POST control.  There is not a lot of good news here unless the field is planted with ... as of July 5 (see our updated map at  Interestingly, this is about ... that migrate from northern areas, conditions are beginning to occur that might provide us with larger ...

  5. The Big Data Confusion: Part 5 – Notice

    and about how the farm data will be disclosed and used.  This notice must be provided in an easily ...

  6. Insect Concerns for Late Planting

    seen less pressure with later planting.  Please keep us informed of this pest, as we are continually ...

  7. Rootless and Floppy Corn

    observed in plants from about the three leaf stage to the eight leaf stage of development. The problem ... (or crown) roots begin develop at about 3/4 inches below the soil surface. However, if seed are ...

  8. What's Limiting Soybean Yield? We are asking crop producers in Ohio to provide us with yield and other agronomic data specific to ...

  9. Employers on Campus

    where you can have your resumes reviewed, conduct a quick mock interview or just learn more about ...

  10. History Book

    :// Read Mr. Reese’s comments about putting this book together: ...
