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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. Chow Line: For now, stick with low- or nonfat dairy

    cottage cheese. For more information about including dairy foods in your diet, see ...

  2. Space Gardening? Ohio State Creates Food-production System for Future NASA Missions

    that expanded our education beyond classroom experience. We had meetings with NASA, learning about ... systems in the future. More information about the DSH project is available at ...

  3. Panel to Discuss Manure Storage Options, Benefits to Farms and Water

    transitioned his farm to organic methods; and Greg Steffen, whose long-time family farm near Kidron milks about ...

  4. OSU Extension: Acorn Poisoning a Potential Threat to Cattle, Sheep

    when they are about to be weaned from mothers and are looking for more to eat because pastures are ...

  5. Three Ways to Safely Thaw Turkey

    it still takes about 30 minutes per pound for complete thawing. Cook the turkey immediately after ...

  6. MarketReady Workshops Offer Producers Tips to Improve Profitability, Expand Sales

    more about the MarketReady program, go to    Tracy Turner 614-688-1067 ...

  7. Communiqué April 10, 2013

    soybean yields. What excites me about my job? I am an agronomist. Now, I get to spend every day working on ... about the range of challenges facing colleges and universities in the 21st century.  The event will be ... receiving funding will be asked to write a paragraph for publication in the Communiqué  explaining what they ...

  8. OSU Entomologists: Stink Bugs Could Injure Corn in Addition to Soybeans

    the brown marmorated stink bug was first identified in the U.S. in Allentown, Pa., in 2001, said Ron ...

  9. Cooking Matters

    about healthy meal preparation and sensible shopping on a limited budget. Each week participants observe ...

  10. Climate Change Risks, Columbus

    Learn more about the impacts of climate change from Ohio State’s most respected ...
