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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2009-31

    Peter Thomison During the past week, I have received questions about ears of corn with unfilled tips. In ... due to a wet spring and one starts to wonder about corn and soybean harvest this fall. Are we likely ... been delayed. So should we be concerned about an early killing frost? In some geographic regions ...

  2. 2016 Ohio Dairy Challenge Contest Huge Success

    Wiesje Kruiter. The Kruiter family started milking at the facility in 2010, and there are about 715 cows ... contest started by the students and the judges spending about two hours at the farm on Friday afternoon, ... undergraduate teams spent about four hours reviewing their notes and farm records to provide a summary of the ...

  3. Early Autumn Weather Outlook

    temperatures. This means we do not expect many days above about 90 for the maximum temperatures. So that is some ... rainfall is about 1.5 to 2 inches inches so above normal rainfall is expected there. West of I-71 it is ...

  4. Corn Silking in Some Fields

    ( for the week ending 7-6-14, 4% of the state’s corn was silking which is in line with the 5-year ... pollination process.  Most corn hybrids tassel and silk about the same time although some variability exists ...

  5. Changes to Federal Order Pricing Rules May Lower 2007 Milk Prices

    is: November 22, 2006: Federal Register publication of the Tentative Final Decision (TFD) is adopted ...

  6. Sheep Shearing School

    about past schools. ...

  7. Milk Prices, Costs of Nutrients, Margins and Comparison of Feedstuffs Prices

    nearly identical to May’s issue (9.0¢/Mcal and $0.40/lb, respectively). The price of e-NDF is about 4¢/lb ...

  8. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2013-29

    to talk with us about how we can better place N & P to reduce losses. ·  Soybean weed control ... for rain Sunday or Monday with another about the middle of next week about September 11. Total ... end of the Exhibit Area and the public parking will be scheduled talks from state specialists as well ...

  9. Harvest Alfalfa Based on Quality Goals

    harvested and stored alfalfa without any knowledge of its chemical composition? If you are like most of us ... well-made silage is about 2 percentage units higher than in fresh forage. Losses with hay harvest will be ... increases about 5 points per week. So a reasonable goal is to begin harvesting alfalfa when it reaches 35 to ...

  10. Pesticide Applicator Recertification Programs

    us to better plan for number of handout materials.  Pre-register by contacting the Wayne County ...
