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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. Communication and Conflict Management

    work or at home. How we manage conflict has a direct impact on how fulfilled we feel about our work, ...

  2. Undisciplined Research: Planning and Publishing Across Disciplinary Boundaries

    collaborators in other disciplines at Ohio State?  Want to hear about options for sharing your work digitally or ... about valuable tools for finding collaborators and making your work more accessible to researchers in ...

  3. Wind Energy Resource

    decisions about renewable energy. The Center for Rural Affairs is one such resource providing information ... that new transmission capacity is built in high-wind resource areas. More information about the ...

  4. Grant Writing:An Introduction

    Join us for this interactive workshop on grant writing. We will address some of the similarities ...

  5. Research Writing 101: Best Practices for Citation Management

    annotated bibliography and keeping your references organized?  Want to learn more about the citation ... Services for a discussion about the resources that can keep you efficient and organized as you prepare to ...

  6. Ag Degrees in Demand: Ohio State University Agricultural Graduates Report Positive Job Outlook

    this year, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. That’s a 14 percent increase over last ...

  7. Spring Planting Requires Increased Focus on Safety

    think about that next step, to prevent that serious injury from a fall that could lay them up for the ...

  8. OSU Extension: Producers May Need to Supplement Feed to Ensure Successful and Productive Calving Season

    forages are the primary diet component of winter rations, but we typically know less about those forages ...

  9. Leadership Center workshop: Communication and Conflict Management

    How we manage conflict has a direct impact on how fulfilled we feel about our work, the quality of ...

  10. Ohio Beef Quality Assurance Program Certification Now Available Online through New Ohio State Website: Assures Consumers of Beef Quality and Safety

    producers to think about their production practices in light of the effect on the quality of the finished ...
