CFAES Give Today
Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Meet the Teams Night!

    On October 25th from 4-5 pm, you can learn about the judging team opportunities in the department ...

  2. SENR Seminar Series- Unraveling the impacts of anthropogenic hazards to nocturnally-migrating birds

    Great Lakes region, 2) habitat loss in the agricultural mid-western US, and 3) pollution from artificial ... light at night (ALAN) throughout the US. By integrating terrestrial and aerial habitat use in the Great ... discovered that widespread conversion of native habitats within the prairie biome of the mid-western US to ...

  3. Leaving a Legacy Through Transition and Estate Planning

    agricultural business.  Learn how to have crucial conversations about the future and strategies that can help ...

  4. Carbon Sequestration for the Farmer and Landowner

    This carbon sequestration panel will provide information to farmers and landowners thinking about ...

  5. Local Workshop Helps Older Adults Reduce Their Fear Of Falling

      When wrapping up one of our Stepping On workshops, it was interesting to hear about some of the ... of her car and felt less fearful about her mobility issues.             Helping participants reduce ... in public places, community mobility, coping after a fall, getting up from a fall and understanding ...

  6. Farm Asset and Resource Management Spreadsheet (FARMS) or with questions about FARMS. Please Note: "This document is being ...

  7. Controlling Undesirable Trees, Shrubs, and Vines in Your Woodland

    labels also list information about the effectiveness of the herbicide’s ability to control different ...

  8. Ohio Maple Days: A Day for Maple

    Spend the day with experts learning about filtering, cost share programs, producer marketing, ... chainsaw safety and maintenance. Also learn about bird friendly maple certification. Lunch includes maple ...

  9. Kennel Tech Opportunity

    schedules and there is no specific out time, just however long it takes to get the work done. Average about ...

  10. Fertilizer and Manure Regulations in the Lake Erie Western Basin Watershed

    applications to more than 50 acres of agricultural production grown for sale. For information about the ... then the application is not a violation of the WLEB restrictions. Resources Learn more about fertilizer ...
