CFAES Give Today
Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. Episode 4 of Green Fields Green Dollars to dive into Nitrogen economics

    and Clint about Nitrogen timing and economics. They discuss trends in the region, along with benefits ...

  2. Seeking students for ATI dairy cattle judging team

    a time to meet with me or just stop by my office to talk with me about the dairy cattle judging team. ...

  3. First Year Students: Important notice about scheduling

    At 5PM on Saturday Nov 16th the entire SIS system will be down for previously scheduled maintenance until 11AM on Sunday. Why is this important? The final NFYS scheduling windows open next Friday (11/15) so please do NOT plan to enroll in classes Saturday ...

  4. First Gen Celebration

    attend the dinner, please respond through the link below.  It will help us know how much food to order. ...

  5. A Potential Break from the Spooky-Dry Weather

    have been slow to recover, and producers are still hauling water. As of October 22, 2024, the US ... Drought Monitor still shows about 8% of the state in D4- exceptional drought with about 65% of the state ...

  6. Black Soybean in Ohio: Addressing Stem, Pod, and Seed Decay

    post-mortem (Fig. 4). Read more about soybean seed quality (here) and about pod and stem blight and seed decay ...

  7. Student Organizations

    information about starting a new club, reporting a club event or activity, and more!  Student Organizations ...

  8. Dia de los Muertos Ofrendas

    connects the living with those who have gone before us. Set up will be Friday, Nov. 1%, starting at 1:30 pm ...

  9. The Season’s First Widespread Frost and Freeze Potential

    producers hauling water in southeast Ohio. As of October 8, 2024, the US Drought Monitor depicts ... approximately 8% of the state in D4- exceptional drought with about 65% of the state still experiencing drought ... conditions for the state. For northern Ohio, this is about the average time the first freeze occurs. For ...

  10. Learn about Study Abroad WEDNESDAY

    CFAES Global Education will visit CFAES Wooster! Come meet with us to learn about ways to study ...
