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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. Dr. Annie R. Specht, Ph.D.

    portrays of agriculture visual communication popular culture agricultural literacy public perceptions of ... qualitative research methods agricultural literacy public perceptions A graduate of The Ohio State University ... interests include media portrayals of agriculture, visual communication, agricultural literacy, and public ...

  2. Dr. Jera Niewoehner-Green

    15 years. She spent nine and a half years as a public-school educator for Metro Nashville Public ...

  3. Mr. Thomas S. Stewart

    “97.1/1460//The Fan”, Tom worked for the station for about nine months. At that point, sister station ... of 1977. He served in that capacity for about two years and then was recruited back to the radio ... communication courses such as Public Speaking and Public Relations. He has been awarded the Price Teaching Award ...

  4. A Potential Break from the Spooky-Dry Weather

    have been slow to recover, and producers are still hauling water. As of October 22, 2024, the US ... Drought Monitor still shows about 8% of the state in D4- exceptional drought with about 65% of the state ...

  5. Black Soybean in Ohio: Addressing Stem, Pod, and Seed Decay

    post-mortem (Fig. 4). Read more about soybean seed quality (here) and about pod and stem blight and seed decay ...

  6. The Season’s First Widespread Frost and Freeze Potential

    producers hauling water in southeast Ohio. As of October 8, 2024, the US Drought Monitor depicts ... approximately 8% of the state in D4- exceptional drought with about 65% of the state still experiencing drought ... conditions for the state. For northern Ohio, this is about the average time the first freeze occurs. For ...

  7. Green Fields Green Dollars Episode 3: Tillage Economics

    What type of tillage do you use on your farm? Are you interested in learning more about the ...

  8. Survey to Estimate Impact of Recent Storms on Corn and Soybean Production in Ohio

    help us quantify the impact of the drought followed by rainfall from the recent storms. No identifying ... survey will help us to identify emerging needs in Ohio. Weather ...

  9. Understanding Agroecosystem Tradeoffs in a Changing Climate Webinar

    production scenarios on soil and water outcomes. Join us for an insightful webinar, Understanding ...

  10. Precipitation, Cooler Weather, and Corn Dry Down

    to 0.25 to 0.5% per day. Finally, by mid November, drydown rate is estimated at about 0 to 0.25% per ... about 30 GDDs to lower grain moisture each point from 30 to 25%. Drying from 25 to 20% requires about 45 ... weather, we are accumulating about 5 GDDs per day (assuming Tmax = 60F, Tmin = 50F). Corn Dry Down and Past ...
