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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. Horse Field Day To Focus On Pasture Management

    and draft horse wagon rides will be held throughout the day. The field day will be located about three ...

  2. Ohio Cooperative Development Center Seed Grants Now Available

    reimbursable, and recipients have until Aug. 31, 2009 to use the funding. For more information about the OCDC ...

  3. Keep an Eye Out for Ticks, OSU Researcher Recommends

    mainly Lyme disease and spotted fever. "People in general react negatively to ticks. They hear about ... out" don't work. "Those are just myths," he said. The American dog tick is about ... pattern on its back directly behind the head. The deer tick, by comparison, is about half the size of the ...

  4. Managing Multicolored Asian Lady Beetle Focus of OSU-Hosted Meetings

    Preliminary data from the respondents is helping the researchers learn more about the insect. The OSU IPM ... designed to present what is known about the biology and ecology of the insect, the results from the Ohio ... the same house or is there something about the smell of dead lady beetles or insect feces that keeps ...

  5. Study: Inexpensive Cleaners Can Effectively Sanitize Kitchen Surfaces

    January 13, 2011 Editor: The video below about cleaning and sanitizing kitchen surfaces also is ...

  6. Family Fundamentals: Doing own taxes? Do your homework first (for January 2011)

    tax software, they don't offer explanations about tax situations, extensive error checking, or ...

  7. Wheat Gone Bad? Here's How to Use It as Alternative Animal Feed

    above 0.9 percent.” What about sprouted wheat or grain infected by head scab or vomitoxin? Boyles said ...

  8. Ohio's Tornado Season Peaking Now

    educate people about disaster preparedness and train them in basic disaster response skills so they can ...

  9. Learn the Latest in Biofuel Crop Production at Farm Science Review 2011

    Corn Belt, and farmers can learn about the continuing evolutions in biofuels crop production at Ohio ...

  10. OSU Extension to Lead Ohio Farm to School Program

    benefits of a statewide and national network.” To learn more about Ohio’s Farm to School program and access ...
