CFAES Give Today
Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. Agricultural Education Society's Influential Buckeyes

    All CFAES students are invited to attend and hear from CFAES alumni about their time after college. ...

  2. Thinking about Growing Hops? Consider this Field Day

    Planting one acre of hops costs a farmer about $20,000 compared to an acre of corn or soybeans, which are ...

  3. Cuyahoga County 4-H

    in local or state competitions or evaluations.  To learn more about 4-H Cloverbuds:  ...

  4. CD Wire- March 19, 2013

    you are free to ask questions on April 3 too. To help us plan for the right amount of pizza and salad ... about the event. NCRCRD 'Poverty & Other Socioeconomic Distress in the North Central Region: ... of poverty and other distress across the U.S. They will also take a detailed look at the North ...

  5. Hops Field Day

    Planting one acre of hops costs a farmer about $20,000 compared to an acre of corn or soybeans, which are ...

  6. Farm Science Review 2017 Set for Sept. 19-21

    about the latest agricultural innovations in research. Tickets are $7 and will sell online at ...

  7. Learn the Secrets of Native Bees

    residents are concerned about the plight of bees, including honey bees, bumble bees and the over 400 other ...

  8. Spitznagel to complete internship with Ohio State Rec Sports

    crisis communication, graphic design, marketing, and journalism so they can spread the word about ... agriculture. To learn more about the agricultural communication major, visit or call 614-247-6358. ...

  9. End of Year Giving

    believe that you win with people, and this college is about people – the staff, faculty and students serve ...

  10. Farm Science Review Recap

    alumni and friends. They came together to share stories and experiences; learn about college updates from ...
