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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. Sustaining Farming, People Despite Climate Change: Program Is Jan. 26

    COLUMBUS, Ohio — January’s public program by the Environmental Professionals Network will look at ...

  2. Buckeye Vet Exploration Day

    and learn about the veterinary profession, admissions and student life. Special Appearance by: The ...

  3. National Turkey Federation Internship

    enrolled senior with a desire to learn about and advocate for the turkey industry. Pursuit of, or degree ... November 13th.  The cover letter should answer the following two questions: (1) What interests you about ...

  4. 50th Anniversary Marks- Email Signature

    Email Signatures: Help us celebrate by adding an Anniversary Mark of your choice to the signature ...

  5. EPN September Breakfast Club

    "student scholarship" option on the registration page For further information about these 2nd Tuesdays ...

  6. Honors Research Proposal Presentations

    Characteristics of Organic Versus Local Farmers in Six Select US Regions”   For more information, please contact: ...

  7. Sarah Rose's Graduate Defense Seminar

    little is known about the composition and structure of spider communities following both natural and ...

  8. Soil, Water, and Bioenergy Program impact in Agronomy, Crop and Soil Science Society of America (ASA-CSSA-SSSA) international annual meeting

    a poster. The oral presentation showed the results about Soil quality assessment using long-term ...

  9. TWEL Jennifer Smith-Castro Thesis

    birds in forested urban parks   Most public lands, particularly those in urban areas, are designed to ... possible causes of those effects. Specifically, I tested the following three hypotheses about the impacts ...

  10. Social Sustainability in the Food System: Examining Innovative Local Government Plans

    fourteen percent of households in the United States (US) are food insecure (USDA, 2013). At the same time, ...
