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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. Chow Line: Watermelon tasty, nutritious

    cups of diced watermelon (about 10 ounces) offers 38 percent of the vitamin C you need in a day, 32 ...

  2. Our New Blog Site!

    Check out our new student blog site! Read about students' experiences regarding internships, ...

  3. Information Session: Antarctica

    session to learn more about the Antarctica: Human Impact on a Fraglie Environment study abroad program. ...

  4. TechColumbus and Ohio State announce Technology Concept Fund

    and developing technologies that can have a significant impact on the world around us,” said Tim ...

  5. Chow Line: Watch sugar intake over holidays

    Martha Filipic I have a sweet tooth. I’ve been cutting back on sugar lately, but I’m worried about ...

  6. Home Horticulture Series

    preparation, crop rotation, plant selection and proper placement are all things you will learn about in this ...

  7. Ohio State Coyote Expert to Be Featured on PBS Show 'Nature' Jan. 22

    raccoons nearby, I started to talk to Stan about my next film project, which was on coyotes,” Fleming said. ...

  8. Top Tips to Save Money, Use Sprayer Efficiently

    the actual spraying and cleaning the equipment. Be well informed about the specific recommendations ...

  9. Chow LIne: Are you getting enough vitamin D?

    cautious about recommending a higher intake, because excess vitamin D is not passed from the body but is ...

  10. Welcome Back Cookout: Horticulture and Crop Science, Plant Pathology, & Entomology

    clubs/organizations are welcome to put up a display. This is a great way to get the word out to new students about ...
