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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Photos 2

    Worth (far right).Above left: Pierce Paul led a discussion about corn diseases in the field.  Right ...

  2. Iceland Study Abroad Information Session

    Environment & Natural Resources- Iceland. In addition to learning about environmental issues, ... students will learn about industries such as fishing and whaling, and Icelandic tourism and park management ...

  3. Jay Wright- Graduate Program Exit Seminar

    Blackbird, which has declined more than 85% over the last 50 years. Very little is known about their behavior ...

  4. To List or not to List? Experts’ Judgments about Threats to Greater Yellowstone Grizzly Bears

    or not to List? Experts’ Judgments about Threats to Greater Yellowstone Grizzly Bears. The Ohio State ...

  5. Graduate Student Awarded Funding to study brownfield redevelopment and gentrification

    examine this relationship, Becerra will use EPA’s National Brownfield Remediation dataset and US Census ...

  6. Children & Youth

    topics Participants learn about environmental issues, nearby nature opportunities, and natural resources ...

  7. AgBufferBuilder tool webinar available for viewing

    Dr. Mike Dosskey of the US Forest Service recently presented a webinar as part of the Ohio ...

  8. 10th Annual Stinner Summit

    not looking for a project idea, we want the current topics that are most important for us to discuss ...

  9. 2015 Study Abroad Expo

    Library. During the expo, there will be tables set up so students can speak to experts about studying ... abroad. Students can also learn more about how to get started studying abroad by visiting t he ...

  10. Spencer Debenport

    Fellowship Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (FAES) Environmental Fellowship Publications ...
