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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. Ohio State to Host Statewide Farm to School Conference March 2013

    students’ access to healthy foods and to help them learn more about food, health, nutrition and ...

  2. Frost Seeding Easy, Inexpensive Way to Improve Pastures

    forages as an important part of their operations. “It’s all about letting the natural weather cycle of ...

  3. DamNation, Columbus

    Film about the effects of dams on our rivers. Information: ...

  4. Test Your Well Event

    including Ohio State will be there to answer any questions you might have. Click for specific details about ...

  5. Scout, Avoid Southern Cottonseed Manure to Stop Palmer Amaranth in Ohio

    products, it’s likely that many other operators and feed dealers have not received information about this ...

  6. ACEL students receive study abroad scholarships

    Development study abroad program. While in Honduras, students will have the opportunity to learn about ... about agricultural needs and practices. A major project during the program will be to create learning ...

  7. Low Cost Treatment of Meat Processing Wastewater

    processors, and installers will learn about the development of a low-cost system for treating high-strength ...

  8. How to Test for Prussic Acid Content in Forages

    from it are rare   because most producers are very good about following the guidelines to prevent ...

  9. Strategies to Survive Low Profitability: Ask the Expert at Farm Science Review

    and other visitors the opportunity to learn about the latest agricultural innovations from experts ...

  10. CFAES Leadership Messages

    to learn more about college initiatives, priorities and successes Tuesday, January 5, 2016 VP Desk ...
