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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. Urban Farming: Can Cities Feed Themselves?

    about 15 urban farms, Hogan said. “They’re all different sizes. Some are owned by individuals, others ... more food than they do currently. Details about the Review overall, including activities, ticket prices ...

  2. Ohio State's STEM Camp Taps Scotts for Real-Life Lessons

    COLUMBUS, Ohio – About 30 middle school students are getting hands-on instruction and inspiration ...

  3. Field Crops and Bees: Research Shows Surprising Relationships, Need for Better Management

    food security. They pollinate about one-third of the crops we eat, valued at more than $14 billion ... together and explore mutual benefits.” To learn more about current pollinator-related research, go to ...

  4. Ohio State Agricultural Economist: Feeding the World after 2050

    said. The Agricultural Policy and Outlook meetings are open to the public. A meal is provided with each ...

  5. Feeding Your Feathered Friends? Study Finds Complex Relationships Among Bird Feeders, Predators and Nest Survival

    Banding Laboratory at the U.S. Geological Survey’s Patuxent Wildlife Research Center in Maryland. Malpass ...

  6. New Tips To Try To Prevent Weed Killer’s Spread To learn more about the EPA’s decision to allow the continued use of dicamba, visit ...

  7. Grape Field Day Aug. 27 to Focus on Dealing With Winter Injury

    practices. Participants will also learn about retraining trials that are being conducted at the vineyard by ... offered for attendees. For more information about the event, including registration, contact Marrison at  ...

  8. Media Advisory: Ohio State Experts Available to Speak on Thousand Cankers Disease in Walnut Trees

    Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences  are available to speak with reporters about the first discovery in ... and can talk about TCD’s potential impact on forest health and forest resources in Ohio. Columbus, ... other invasive species in Ohio, and can talk about the disease’s potential economic impact on Ohio’s ...

  9. OSU Extension to Host Informational Meeting on Bovine Anaplasmosis

    reporting several cases each year, yet many producers don’t know about it,” Shulaw said. “Most cases are ... transmitted.” To help producers learn more about the disease, OSU Extension and the Morgan  County  Soil and ... older than a year, and the signs usually begin with a fever of about 104 degrees or higher, Shulaw said. ...

  10. New Book Explains Gardening from A to Z

    about soil pH, plant fertilizer — anything to do with gardening? We wanted to break it down for people ... “We also go into detail to give some context about how a term is used in gardening and why it’s ...
