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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. Soybean Aphid No-Show?

    populations are low right now doesn't mean growers should be forgetting about the insect. They need to be ...

  2. Organic Mulches May Boost Transition from Plowed Land to No-Till

    a one-time high rate mulch application of about 15-to 20 dry tons per acre and then an annual three-to five ...

  3. Soils at Risk from Compaction When Spreading Manure

    weighs about 20 tons on a single axle, most manure spreaders never go much above 12 tons on a single ...

  4. Biomass and Cover Crops Showcased at Farm Science Review

    visitors to Ohio State University's Farm Science Review can learn more about the potential for ...

  5. 4-H SS FAQ

    information about 4-H Shooting Sports. Find a team of adults who will attend a state Shooting Sports Workshop. ...

  6. Spruce Up Your Home with Holly-day Sprigs

    a symmetrical manner so that the plant will grow back evenly the following year. Pruning should be done about ...

  7. Think of the Honey Bee When Spraying for Soybean Aphids

    agriculture. Ohio has about 15,000 honey-producing colonies, yielding nearly 70 pounds of honey per year. The ...

  8. Drought-Stressed Corn Struggling to Produce a Crop

    significant yield losses. "We need a good frontal system to sit over the state and dump rain for about ...

  9. Cold Snap May Slow Crop Pests, But Scouting Still Essential

    residue and can impact seedling emergence," said Hammond. "Preventive maintenance is all about ...

  10. Take Steps to Control Ornamental Plant Diseases

    pachysandra bed to a height of about three inches. It won't rid the plant of the disease, but it will ...
