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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Jackson Beef and Forage Field Night

    herd. Based on the latest agricultural census, the average cow herd in Ohio is about 17 cows, meaning ...

  2. West Ohio Agronomy Day Set

    Purdue’s Dr. Fred Whitford will be there, this time to talk about “Safety is in Your Hands.” Attendees will ...

  3. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2008-11

    Units Needed for Corn Emergence Authors: Peter Thomison Corn requires about 100 growing degrees days ... in about 10 days (100 GDDs to emerge/10 GDDs per day = 10 days). However, if daily high and low ... conducted in the U.S. and Canada to evaluate the potential of within field hybrid mixing on yields (most of ...

  4. Manure, PSNT and N recommendations

    in the field when corn is about 12 inches tall. Collect 15 to 25 cores per sample. More if there is ...

  5. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2010-23

    will overwinter, possibly resulting in problems in 2011. A few people have asked about twospotted ... that we are concerned about a few newer stink bugs that could be creeping into soybean fields in Ohio, ... causing new problems in middle and southern U.S. states.  Growers in Ohio are asked to make note of the ...

  6. Don’t Get in a Hurry to Apply Nitrogen to Wheat

    Normally we would be concerned about producers applying nitrogen to wheat on frozen ground this ...

  7. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2007-29

    about late season pod feeding by bean leaf beetle. Just this week, we have received reports of large ... seeds per acre. For drills with 7.5 inch row spacing, this is about 18 to 24 seeds per foot of row with ... prior to wheat planting. We usually at this time of the year start to receive questions about the safety ...

  8. Farm Science Review and CCA Continuing Education

    The 2014 Farm Science Review is next week, many across Ohio will be attending to learn more about ...

  9. It's Not Too Late to Plant Wheat…If the Weather Cooperates

    about a week before the end of the 10-day period.  When wheat is planted more than 10-days after the ...

  10. Join Us for a Workshop: ROI of Digital Tools for Soybean Production

    The Ohio State Precision Ag Team will be hosting a free workshop for tech savvy soybean growers on Friday, September 8, 2017 from 9a-4p at Beck’s Hybrids in London, Ohio. Topics of discussion will include data warehousing, production benchmarking, analysi ...
