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Climate, Geography, and the Origins of Economic and Political Institutions
p.m. Thursday (11/16) about "Climate, Geography, and the Origins of Economic and Political ...
U.S. Senate passes changes to federal Algal Bloom and Hypoxia Research and Control Act
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New testing method could make phosphorus monitoring cheaper, faster
Phosphorus is usually at the forefront of concerns about the health of Lake Erie. While watershed ... cost about $50 to test. "Our goal was to find a better, faster, cheaper method of measuring ...
Animal Sciences
their understanding of the global nature of the dairy industry and compare the U.S. dairy ...
Previous Presentations
fish-centered food webs along an urban-rural gradient in a Midwest U.S. river system. Society for Freshwater ... Providing the essential foundation: learning about forest ecosystems in the field as the basis for their ... and Todd F. Hutchinson (US Forest Service). The role of within-treatment habitat gradients in ...
SENR Community reflects on why they like to ride
find out why they ride. Lauren Blyth, a graduate student in the school rides about 7 miles one-way ... Blyth rides about 7 miles one-way to her office in the school. Reflecting on her ride, she says, "I ... enthusiastic about the Olentangy Trail and notes, "I love the ease of the Olentangy Trail in connecting my ...
Western Agronomy Field Day is July 16
learn from state specialists about a range of topics designed to help them understand what their crops ... inform and educate farmers about the agricultural research advances made in the past year at the Western ...
Ecosystem size and flooding drive trophic dynamics of riparian spiders in a fire-prone Sierra Nevada river system
Jackson, B.K., and S.M.P. Sullivan. 2018. Ecosystem size and flooding drive trophic dynamics of riparian spiders in a fire-prone Sierra Nevada river system. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 75: 308–318 ...
Scarlet and Gray Ag Day
Campus to spend the entire day rotating through hands-on science based sessions and learning all about ...
ACEL alum selected as Teacher of the Year
where the teacher winners learn about inquiry-based learning strategies and prepare workshops that will ...