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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. 2015 OARDC Annual Research Conference

    Resource. Participants will learn about the importance of watersheds and the "Field to Faucet" ...

  2. ESGP Seminar-- Issues in Environmental Science

    social sciences can identify whether or not the public and policy makers will support a particular ...

  3. Soil Health Workshop

    can accommodate others. Questions about the programs can be directed to Steve Culman at ...

  4. Olentangy Wetland to Host Earth Day Cleanup

    opportunity for the community to contribute to the ongoing restoration efforts at the wetland, to learn about ...

  5. “Fresh Market Tomato fertility – the never-ending battle against fruit physiological disorders”

    setting for accurate calibration and use.  These pocket-sized meters currently cost about $500 and are ... Trial report published by Purdue University.  This publication is a compilation of vegetable variety ...

  6. Water Management Association of Ohio 44th Annual Conference

    about career opportunities in water resources and talk with potential employers! The Water Management ... what is happening that makes a difference for Ohio water resources.  Additional information about the ...

  7. Classroom Spotlight:  Developing Forest Management Strategies

    course as it incorporates what students learned about forest growth and yield, forest growth models, and ...

  8. SENR Seminar Series

    and disasters. The most alarming prediction about the impacts of climate change in Bangladesh is that ...

  9. Endeavor Center and Business Development Network Achievements

    about the program at Chillicothe Veterans Affairs Medical Center- The SBDC has ...

  10. The Changing Face of the Organization: Millennials in the Workplace- ONLINE

    take on leadership roles.  Learn about the culture and events that have shaped the Millennial ... ideas about how to manage and coach this generation of employees. The workshop will be facilitated by ...
