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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. DISCflex

    make about other people. It can also go far in helping to predict how a person will react to a specific ...

  2. Faculty member's book explores bratwurst, buckeyes and more

    program, has written a book about the food traditions of northwest Ohio entitled A Culinary History of the ... writes about the myriad uses of food as a community identifier and a mode of communication. He has ...

  3. Educational Videos

    provides information about the operation of Montana's first methane digester for a dairy operation. ...

  4. Leadership Institute

    Events Interact with Us Twitter Facebook College of Food Agriculture and Environmental Sciences © 2015, ...

  5. Perfomance Management and Coaching

    developing the desired behaviors in others around us, but also understanding the emotions that drive those ...

  6. Are You Prepared for the VFD?

    Oversight of the VFD belongs to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and this is the agency that will ...

  7. Business Management

    of two specializations in the major to gain more knowledge about a specific industry. See the links ...

  8. Maintain Grain Quality in the Bin

    (Defiance County) and Curtis Young (Van Wert County) provide information about grain bin monitoring to ...

  9. Leading in Jeans: Millennial Unconventional Leadership in a Multi-Generational Workforce

    lack soft skills) – you may want to change the verbiage about soft skills You’ll leave the workshop ...

  10. Agriculture and Natural Resources Tax Webinar and Workshop

    Farmers, farm representatives and rural landowners can learn more about the special issues with ...
