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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. 2012 Best Doctoral Research Manuscript Awards

    parks are calculated to determine the significance of park amenities on the value of public parks. Park ... led to a dramatic decline in urban land and housing values across the U.S. The same is not true, ... Since childhood obesity is a public health crisis, policymakers and school district officials have ...

  2. Ne Ohio Small Farm Conference And Trade Show

    owners and landowners with the opportunity to learn more about how to make their farms work better, ... in-depth information, learn about the resources that are available and even learn how to finance a new ...

  3. Spotted Wing Drosophila

    developing in the SWD population.  More information about the SWD and its lifecycle, along with a chart of ...

  4. Let OSU Extension, Franklin County Help You Achieve and Keep Your New Year's Resolutions!

    For more resources or to learn more about our programs please contact  Rebekah Salyers or call ...

  5. Water Quality and Testing Workshops

    and take-home materials to prepare for successful water sample collection. For more information about ...

  6. Tools for Consistent Calf Nutrition and Health

    I often think and talk about various agricultural topics from the standpoint of management ...

  7. The Effects of Renewable Portfolio Standards on Carbon Intensity in the U.S.

    By Samantha Sekar and Brent Sohngen US state carbon intensities are highly heterogeneous, and few ... give us insight into how those state characteristics or policies can be replicated to achieve lower ... electricity prices. Additionally, we show that the adoption of RPS reduced overall US carbon emissions by ...

  8. Tom Sporleder

    Technologies Committee of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce in Washington, DC. Dr. Sporleder was named a Fellow of ...

  9. Support Wayne County 4-H

    brings an important message about safe driving to more than 160 first-time juvenile traffic offenders ... peers youth involved in 4-H programs excel in several areas. 4-H'ers are about: Four times  more ...

  10. Pipeline Easement Information Meeting

    learn about pipeline easements on April 16th, at 7:00 PM, at Fisher Auditorium,  on the OARDC campus. ...
