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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. Planting Small Grains in Late Summer and Autumn for Supplemental Forage

    Ohio, but it's a challenge because the small grains dry about half as fast as grass hay. Ryegrasses ...

  2. Webinar on Latino Demographic Patterns in the US

    There is a seminar on May 4th at 1PM on the demographic patterns on Latinos in the United States. This is a great opportunity as Ohio continues to be a top destination for the Latino population. More information here. ...

  3. Thank You, Susie Sheller, AEDE’s Undergraduate Program Coordinator, for 27 Years of Dedicated Service to the Department

    about this new challenge. I’ve been overseeing the undergraduate schedule at the department level for ...

  4. For Students

    is here to provide an opportunity for students to meet with accomplished alumni and learn about ...

  5. Aquaculture and Horticulture Programs Conduct First Ohio Aquaponics Research

    research-based information to the public. Continued investment into the industry is warranted. Future Plans Two ...

  6. Milk Production Growth Slows- What's Up for Milk Prices?

    weeks in the CME cheese market is an indication that the run-up has made its course and this is about as ...

  7. Ag Degrees in Demand: Ohio State University Agricultural Graduates Report Positive Job Outlook

    this year, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. That’s a 14 percent increase over last ...

  8. Endeavor Center Achievements

    award presentation in Edmonton, Alberta to learn more about the award process. The Endeavor Center staff ...

  9. Feeding Newborn Calves to Thrive in Cold Weather

    half a gallon of liquid and if it is filled with fresh milk, it would deliver about a half pound of dry ...

  10. Members

    Associate Professor School of Public Policy and Management 3rd Floor Fisher Hall 2100 Neil Avenue Phone: ...
