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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. OSU Extension: Ohio Oats Expected to Produce Excellent Yields and Good Supplement for Low Forage Supplies Thanks to Drought

    including: Baling oats. This is a challenge considering that oats dry only about half as fast as grass hay. ...

  2. OSU Expert: Oats a Good Option as Double-Crop after Wheat

    dry only about half as fast as grass hay. In some cases, oats are taking nearly a week after being cut ...

  3. Fine Tune and Calibrate Sprayer to Reduce Pesticide Costs

    application results have shown that only about one out of three sprayers are applying pesticides at the ...

  4. Presentations

    trait of effective utilization of SMD. US Soybean Aquaculture Alliance Annual Meeting. February, 2017. ... prospects. US Aquaculture Genetics and Genomics Symposium. February, 2016. Auburn, Alabama, USA. Perch ... 2014, Seattle, Washington. From mass to MAS, how to position us: An example of genetic selection in ...

  5. OSU Extension Offers Guidance for Reseeding Pasture in Pipeline Rights-of-Way

    shale oil and gas pipelines may want to consider including a clause about when the company should reseed ...

  6. OSUE Direct Agricultural Marketing Team 2016 achievements

    webinar and resources at the Farm Science Review about the new agritourism law inOhio; Ohio Senate Bill ...

  7. Peace Corps: Ohio State Among Top 10 Volunteer-Producing Schools

    a formative experience," Erbaugh said. "You learn more about yourself. You gain self-confidence by ...

  8. ABC Archived Resources

    State Hatcheries and Public Aquaria, Doug Sweet, ODNR (pdf) Federal Order on VHS Recognizing Common Fish ...

  9. Ohio State Economist: Taxing Phosphorus Could Reduce Risk of Algal Blooms

    a fertilizer primarily on corn, could reduce soluble phosphorus concentrations in the watershed by about ...

  10. Aquaculture research achievements and impacts 2015

    phase and being considered by The Biological Bulletin for publication. The results from these two ... hatching tank to nursing tank.  About 30-75% larvae died the next day after stocking due to handling. The ...
