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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. OSU Extension: Ohio Oats Expected to Produce Excellent Yields and Good Supplement for Low Forage Supplies Thanks to Drought

    including: Baling oats. This is a challenge considering that oats dry only about half as fast as grass hay. ...

  2. OSU Expert: Oats a Good Option as Double-Crop after Wheat

    dry only about half as fast as grass hay. In some cases, oats are taking nearly a week after being cut ...

  3. Fine Tune and Calibrate Sprayer to Reduce Pesticide Costs

    application results have shown that only about one out of three sprayers are applying pesticides at the ...

  4. Emerald Ash Borer

    infest and kill North American ash trees (Fraxinus spp). EAB was accidentally imported into the U.S. and ... discovered in Michigan in 2002. Since then, EAB has spread to the northern U.S. and Canada, with the loss of ... dominant species in eastern U.S. forests and, prior to the introduction of EAB, were popular landscape ...

  5. OSU Extension Offers Guidance for Reseeding Pasture in Pipeline Rights-of-Way

    shale oil and gas pipelines may want to consider including a clause about when the company should reseed ...

  6. PHARM 2011

    Ag Day, May 15, Columbus.  The event brings in fourth-graders from around Ohio to learn about ... involvement fair.  PHARM's main focus was to inform students about the program and the benefits the ... about the importance of plant pathology and showing demonstrations of major plant diseases.   On display ...

  7. USAID’s Global Food Security Program names two CFAES graduate students Borlaug Fellows

    Environmental Sciences (CFAES) exemplified these notions with their recent selection as U.S. Borlaug Fellows ... leadership and scientific expertise among U.S. graduate students to effectively study and promote sustainable ...

  8. Peace Corps: Ohio State Among Top 10 Volunteer-Producing Schools

    a formative experience," Erbaugh said. "You learn more about yourself. You gain self-confidence by ...

  9. Ohio State Economist: Taxing Phosphorus Could Reduce Risk of Algal Blooms

    a fertilizer primarily on corn, could reduce soluble phosphorus concentrations in the watershed by about ...

  10. Spotted Wing Drosophila Impacts Berry Crops

    if you don’t realize that you have it and then don’t do anything about it. “Once you find spotted ...
