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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. Establishing New Forage Stands

    indicates most of the seed is about at the right depth. When seeding into a tilled seedbed, drills with ...

  2. Rusts on Wheat and Barley: An Update

    coming in today also indicate that rust is developing on barley. This has led to questions about rust ...

  3. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2010-26

    be an indication of what might be in store for us in 2011.  We will report those findings during ... which corresponds to about 10 days if we accumulate at least 28 GDD daily. Based on conditions as of ... 10 accumulated about 2,575, 2,400, 2,200, and 1,920 GDD, respectively. At current accumulation rates ...

  4. Prepare Your Sprayer for Storage Now to Avoid Costly Problems in the Spring

    publication from University of Missouri which lists many commonly used pesticides and the specific rinsing ...

  5. Ohio Farm Custom Rate Survey 2016

    other year and we need your assistance in securing up-to-date information about farm custom work rates, ...

  6. So there is lots to talk about in the weather

    should know more about this in the next 2-4 week.  You can keep up on all of this at the NOAA/NWS/Ohio ...

  7. Alfalfa and Fall Rest Period

    frost to accumulate root carbohydrates.  We have talked about a critical no-harvest period between early ...

  8. Fall Weather Outlook

    than normal. Frost and freeze outlooks continues to suggest about a normal onset in the first half of ...

  9. White Wheat Heads: Freeze Damage, Wheat Take-All, or Fusarium Head Blight?

    healthy-looking stems that senesce naturally. Read more about other head diseases and disorders at: ...

  10. 4-H News and Notes for August 20, 2015

    about upcoming events and the 2015 Wayne County Fair listed below.  Please click the headlines for more ...
