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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Online Tickets Available, New Online Directory and App for Farm Science Review Goers

    site. The mobile app will assist you in seeing the exhibitors and events you care most about,” Zachrich ...

  2. OSU Expert: Best Practices Can Help Livestock Producers Benefit More from High Prices

    years to come.” The U.S. beef cow herd is at its smallest rate in decades, currently under 30 million ...

  3. Spring 2015 Continuum College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental ... Sciences Read about the impact our faculty, staff, students and alumni are having! Wednesday, May 20, 2015 ...

  4. Student Profile: Caitlyn Black

    Caitlyn talks about her decision to come to The Ohio State University and about the great ...

  5. DISCflex Online Workshop

    make about other people. It can also go far in helping to predict how a person will react to a specific ...

  6. Chow Line: ’Tis the season to stay healthy

    because they’re simple. The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Choose MyPlate offers other healthy holiday ...

  7. Tips and Events for the Week of Sept. 3

    and a story about the study by Ohio State science writer Misti Crane. Walleye are one of the most ...

  8. School Gardens Offer Myriad Benefits, Take Planning

    garden. "One of the great things about Extension is that we can pool a lot of resources from ... Avenue site, Hogan said. "The school garden is an excellent tool to teach children and teens about ...

  9. Chow Line: Focus on fruit as summertime treat

    U.S. Dietary Guidelines, fruits and vegetables are major contributors of nutrients that are ...

  10. Upcoming Conferences to Help Small-Farm Owners

    information about either conference, contact Nye at 937-382-0901 or The conferences are an ...
