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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. Hellebore – Soon the first flowers of the hellebore will Welcome Spring

    Hellebores grow in clumps; most varieties are about 12 to 15 inches tall and wide.  The leaves are dark green ...

  2. About our study abroad programs


  3. Strengthening Families over Dinner

    family structure.  The conversations that go hand-in-hand with dinner help parents learn more about their ...

  4. Climate Explorations series: Three Million Year Old Polar Plants and What They Tell Us of Our Climate’s Past

    Details here. ...

  5. Climate Explorations series: ‘Three Million Year Old Polar Plants and What They Tell Us of Our Climate’s Past’

    Details here. ...

  6. Webinar on supporting positive dialogue about race

    Details here. ...

  7. About (for homepage banner)

    <h3> The mission of the OCVN program is to promote awareness and citizen stewardship of Ohio&#39;s natural resources through science-based education and community service.</h3> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> ...

  8. U.S. Secretary of Ag Tom Vilsack on Farm Policy

    As we celebrate the 150th anniversary of the Morrill Act and the creation of the United States Department of Agriculture, Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack discusses what we have accomplished and where we are headed in the future. ...

  9. Grandma Right About an Apple a Day

    In an Ohio State study, eating one apple a day for just four weeks lowered blood levels of a substance linked to hardening of the arteries. The amount of the decrease-- 40 percent-- surprised lead researcher Robert DiSilvestro, a professor of human nutrit ...
