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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. To List or not to List? Experts’ Judgments about Threats to Greater Yellowstone Grizzly Bears

    or not to List? Experts’ Judgments about Threats to Greater Yellowstone Grizzly Bears. The Ohio State ...

  2. Geography Graduate Organization 2013 Panel Discussion

    and the Geography Graduate Organization. This event is free and open to the public. ...

  3. AgBufferBuilder tool webinar available for viewing

    Dr. Mike Dosskey of the US Forest Service recently presented a webinar as part of the Ohio ...

  4. 2015 Study Abroad Expo

    Library. During the expo, there will be tables set up so students can speak to experts about studying ... abroad. Students can also learn more about how to get started studying abroad by visiting t he ...

  5. Graduate Student Awarded Funding to study brownfield redevelopment and gentrification

    examine this relationship, Becerra will use EPA’s National Brownfield Remediation dataset and US Census ...

  6. Find Us

    Agricultural Administration Building 2120 Fyffe Rd., Columbus, OH 43210 Room 200  Directions to the Agricultural Administration Building From the NORTH: Take any major highway to I-270 Take I-270 to SR 315 South. Exit at Lane Ave. Turn Left on Lane Ave. T ...

  7. Structural Differences in Community Garden Design and Impacts on Perceived Impacts of Programming

    filled out an online survey regarding questions about their garden. Preliminary findings show that there ...

  8. USDA-Borlaug mentor follow-up visit to Ukraine

    Economic University took us to visit reclaimed and abandoned mine-lands currently under phytoremediation ...

  9. Jazz Glastra's Graduate Defense Seminar

    and poor health of farmworkers are well documented, little is known about economic stratification ... studies and raise new questions about the relationships between race, legal status, and wages across ...

  10. We're the Ones Who Educate

    about wildlife and conservation through crafts, games, and lessons. The educators aim to highlight the ... her experience at the zoo: “I think working at the zoo and exposing/teaching kids about animals helps ... them to develop their own love for wildlife, which in turn will get them to care about conservation in ...
