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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. Managing Dairy Cow Heat Stress

    of fans should be spaced at about 12 feet high along the length of the freestall barn. The ... increases from 64 to 86 degrees F.  Cows will drink about 50% of their total daily water intake immediately ...

  2. Bees in Your Backyard...And the Plants They Visit- Location 3

    residents are concerned about the plight of bees, including honey bees, bumble bees and the over 400 other ...

  3. Bees in Your Backyard...And the Plants They Visit- Location 4

    residents are concerned about the plight of bees, including honey bees, bumble bees and the over 400 other ...

  4. Bees in Your Backyard...And the Plants They Visit- Location 2

    residents are concerned about the plight of bees, including honey bees, bumble bees and the over 400 other ...

  5. DeviceReady: Marketing Your On-line Presence

    COLUMBUS, Ohio – Business owners, do you ever wonder what consumers think about your business ...

  6. Slow Cooker Class- Tuesday Evening Series

    Come learn about slow cooker basics, budgeting and nutrition.  Sample some recipes and take a few ...

  7. Early Season Forage Considerations

              I have been getting questions about seeding forages, both frost seeding and drilling, ... type of days have been very limited to date.  If you read any of the fact sheets about frost seeding ...

  8. OSU NAMA Marketing Team Places 6th at National Competition

    transportation, and false concerns about nutrient depletion, farmers have been unable to capture this value alone. ...

  9. Stockpiling Pasture for Late Season Grazing

    generally higher quality than first cutting hay and about equal to a lot of 2 nd cutting hay made for ...

  10. 4-H CARTEENS

    information about 4-H CARTEENS, visit ...
