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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Spring 2014 SENR Seminar Series

    about the nature and impact of scholarly work, and the relevance of problem-based applied research in ...

  2. Strengthening Families over Dinner

    family structure.  The conversations that go hand-in-hand with dinner help parents learn more about their ...

  3. Communiqué July 18, 2012

    globalization, and the knowledge worker economy have increased the degree of difficulty and put us in a more ...

  4. TWEL Andrew Vitz Dissertation

    of understanding about the period contrasts sharply with the perception and recent empirical data ...

  5. Thinking about Selling Timber Seminar

    Selling timber isn’t something woodland owners should take lightly. The decisions you make now will not only affect you financially, but will alter the course of your woodlot for a long time to come. This program is designed to help woodland owners unders ...

  6. TWEL Andrea Lindsay Thesis

    tissues (e.g., feathers) can provide information about habitat conditions during previous seasons. ...

  7. ENR Graduate Exit Seminar

    population continues to grow and food security issues intensify, so do concerns about soil resilience and ...

  8. Communiqué June 25, 2014

    conference will feature: Nationally known keynote speakers Interactive sessions about the future of Extension ...

  9. The Evolving Role of the School of Environment and Natural Resources: Addressing Environmental Change

    and globally. For further details about the event, contact:  Dr. Jeff Sharp ( ...

  10. Communiqué October 24, 2012

    listening. It&rsquo;s spending &ldquo;listening&rdquo; time thinking about your reply and just ... the full <em>Speed of Trust </em>book by Stephen M.R. Covey for more details about how to ...
