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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Registration Now Open for Wayne County 4-H Junior Camp

    about camp!  Download the Junior Camp brochure and registration form today!  Registrations are due June ...

  2. Controlling Flies on Farms

    egg, larva (maggot), pupa, and adult. During its life cycle, which is about 30 days, a house fly female ... toward ceiling and upper corners until area is filled with mist. Use about 0.5 oz of solution per 1,000 ... Avoid breathing fumes by wearing a mask or respirator of a type recommended by the U.S. Bureau of Mines. ...

  3. Fall Herbicide Application for the 2017 Soybean Crop

    year.             For more information about weed control and specifically marestail control in ...

  4. Swank Program Advisory Council Term: 2012-2017 Lisa Patt-McDaniel Director of Community Development ...

  5. Mideast Federal Order Hearing Held on March 7, Wooster, Ohio

    for these months. They may not remain there for long. I suspect that one more U.S. milk production ...

  6. Speaker Bios

    forestry chapter of the most recent U.S. National Climate Assessment Report. Additionally, he has testified ... before the U.S. House of Representatives, Committee on Agriculture Subcommittee on Conservation, Credit, ... a member of the US EPA Advisory Committee for the Sustainable and Healthy Communities Program, a board ...

  7. Research Finds Gaps in Retailers Accepting Food Stamps; Could Be Affecting Program’s Effectiveness

    authorized stores in Ohio that serve participants in the U.S. Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program ... participants, especially since the overall population increased as well,” Cho said.  In the U.S. there is much ...

  8. 2004 Ohio Dairy Management Conference- Recap of Ray Nebel's presentation: Keys to a Successful Reproductive Management Program

    that individuals can be taught about cows, but you cannot teach them to love the cows and to want to do ...

  9. Planter Preparation for the 2017 Season

              A few weeks ago you probably could have taken some bets about corn getting planted in ...

  10. Association of Ohio Recyclers 2012 Conference: Sustainable Materials Management

    with advanced, state-of-the-art recycling services.   To learn more about the conference, please visit ... the Association of Ohio Recyclers' website. To inquire about speaking at the conference or about sponsor and ...
