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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Bimonthly Fiscal Meeting

    219 I just received a call from Eric Bode about setting up separate meetings for the Fiscal team ...

  2. Dr. Sheila Jacobi's Research Impacts Animal and Human Nutrition

    accustomed to the lab and what research was really about. She was always there to help me and give me new ...

  3. ASM and CSM Internship Fair

    They'll tell you about the work they completed, what they liked about their internship, what they ...

  4. Dr. Jack Judy Memorial Scholarship

    Hall of Fame in 1985. Always passionate about his students and their course of study, Judy was ... according to Mark Judy, Jack’s brother. For more information about the Ohio Farm Bureau Foundation, contact ...

  5. Communiqué July 31, 2013

    included the OSUE strategic plan, signature programs, upcoming regional structure changes, a reminder about ... questions. The recording started just a little late. Items missing from the recording are: Reminder about ... information materials for the public will be developed this fall. The strategic plan will be launched in ...

  6. Master Gardener Volunteer Training

    about the Master Gardener Volunteer Program in Lucas County, contact the office at 419-578-6783.  ...

  7. Making Corn Silage in Drought Conditions

    shrink by 2 percentage units has a value of about $2/ton. Homolactic inoculants (these are the ... digestibility.  Generally a theoretical length of cut (TLC) of about ½ inch is acceptable (longer with kernel ...

  8. The Costs of Nutrients and Comparison of Feedstuffs Prices

    of about 10¢/Mcal, NEL is still a highly priced nutrient  For MP, its current price (41.2¢/lb) is ... 6-year average (-9¢/lb).  Meanwhile, unit costs of e-NDF are historically high, being priced at about ...

  9. The Costs of Nutrients and Comparison of Feedstuffs Prices

    about 10¢/Mcal, NEL is still a highly priced nutrient at 17.9¢/Mcal.  This is important because a cow ... unit costs of e-NDF are about at their historical average, being priced at 1.5¢/lb compared to the ...

  10. Aquaponics project combines learning, innovation, and community service in Honduras

    about the aquaponics project. aquaponics service Honduras Biological Engineering FABE Ohio State ...
