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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



Search results

  1. FST Major Quynh Duong's Student Blog

    FST student Quynh Duong blogs about her experience in product development competitions. To read ...

  2. OSU Extension Conference Offers Education and Support for Conservation Tillage, March 5-6

    become the worst drought in 50 years, David Brandt wasn’t worried about how well corn and soybeans on his ...

  3. Dairy Feed Bunk and Water Trough Management

    space.  Dry cows, especially as they get close to calving require about 36 inches of feed bunk ...

  4. OSU CVM Parasitology Laboratory Assistant Internship

    laboratory techniques to analyze those samples.  You also learn details about internal gastrointestinal ...

  5. Can Making High Tunnels Increase Farm Profits?

    Thousands of fruit and vegetable farms in the U.S. successfully use high tunnels to extend the growing ... training in high tunnel production.  To teach Ohio farmers about high tunnel production and how they could ...

  6. Borlaug Fellows Gain Inspiration, Insight During World Food Prize

    sustainable food supply for all people.  Read more at about Borlaug Scholar Emmanuel Amoakwah click Here ...

  7. CFAES Continues to produce employable graduates

    At the recent CFAES Career Expo, the employers were optimistic about finding recent grads for ...

  8. OSU opens ambience-setting flavor-testing lab

    Click here to read the Columbus Dispatch's article about Dr. Chris Simons sensory lab: http ...

  9. Tapping into the Subconscious: New Sensory Science Lab to Explore Mysteries of Flavor, Aroma, Appetite

    FST Assistant Professor of Sensory Science, Chris Simons talks about his research and his sensory ...

  10. Communication and Conflict Management

    impact on how fulfilled we feel about our work, the quality of work, and the quality of work from our ...
