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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2010-16

    soybean plantings Due to persistent rains and wet soil conditions, we’ve received questions about the ... in late June (Ohio Agronomy Guide online at We lose about ... below), at the 8-leaf  stage (or about V6)  if 50% of the leaf tissue is destroyed by hail, a corn plant ...

  2. Take the Next Step: Conservation Tillage Conference

    be the location were about 60 presenters, several agribusiness exhibitors, and approximately 900 ...

  3. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2008-35

    Get Here, Where Are We Going, and What You as a Producer Can Do About It? Title in Err, but Content ... Get Here, Where Are We Going, and What You as a Producer Can Do About It? Authors: Robert Mullen, ... over the last couple of years and many producers were not really excited about paying the fertilizer ...

  4. Managing Risk for Bt Resistant Rootworms

    rootworm that have developed resistance to two Bt genes:  Cry3Bb1  and m Cry3a. US-EPA has recently ...

  5. Slugs can’t spring, but late spring is the time to watch for them

    As planting wraps up, a reminder is in order about possible slug problems in no-till crops, ...

  6. Winter Teat Care for Dairy Cows

    problems.  University of Minnesota (should know something about cold winter temperatures!) Extension ...

  7. Cuyahoga County 4-H

    in local or state competitions or evaluations.  To learn more about 4-H Cloverbuds:  ...

  8. Topdressing Wheat with Liquid Swine Manure

    number is basically the ammonia nitrogen portion of the manure plus about half the organic nitrogen ... to the nitrogen amount in the urea fertilizer; typically about 100 pounds per acre. The manure was ...

  9. Marestail Control in Wheat Stubble- Part 2: Cover Crop Considerations

    Following last week’s article about marestail control in wheat stubble, a number of people asked ... about options where cover crops are going to be planted later this summer.  The options can be fewer for ...

  10. Western Bean Cutworm: Time to Scout

    distributed clusters of 5–200, but averaging about 50 per cluster, and hatch within 5–7 days (Figure 1). Eggs ...
