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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. OSU Extension Conferences to Help Small Farm Owners March 7-8 and March 21-22

    Small Farm Program, Farm Credit Mid-America, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Farm Service Agency, ...

  2. Zero Waste, Big Benefits: Ohio State to Hold Course on Large-scale Composting

    dioxide as a greenhouse gas, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. “Food waste is an ...

  3. Renewable Energy Workshop

    Renewable Energy Workshop, Learn more about options for renewable energy, including solar, biomass ...

  4. March 14 Workshop: Use Cover Crops to Improve Soil Health, Yields

    As more farmers learn more about it, more growers are incorporating the use of cover crops, with some ...

  5. Jackson Beef and Forage Field Night is Aug. 28

    also be able to hear about livestock facility design and cattle handing, which is an important topic as ...

  6. Informational Meeting for the Upcoming Master Urban Farmer Program

    urban agriculture.  This will be the 3rd year the program is offered in Lucas County.    Questions about ...

  7. Chow Line: Time is ripe to eat more fruits, veggies

    stymied on how to start. That could be why a new study found that only about 1 in 10 Americans eats enough ...

  8. Beginners Beekeeping Classes, Troy

    Beginners Beekeeping Classes, learn from experienced beekeepers what you need to know about ...

  9. Beginners' Beekeeping Course, Troy

    Beginners Beekeeping Classes, learn from experienced beekeepers what you need to know about ...

  10. Beginners' Beekeeping Course, Troy

    Beginners Beekeeping Classes, learn from experienced beekeepers what you need to know about ...
