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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Recruiting Engineers Day 2013

    (8am-5pm) event and provides an opportunity to learn about what OSU College of Engineering has to offer you ... as a graduate student.  During the event, participants will have the opportunity to learn about ... Event Highlights Learn about the College of Engineering (CoE) graduate programs of study Attend ...

  2. New Ventures project to bring together academic and conservation scientists

    change.  According to Brooks, this synthesis will help to address questions about how sustainable ...

  3. EPN July Breakfast Club

    operations too. If you worry about parking and costs, the web registration page details several quite nearby ...

  4. The Economics of Water Pollution Control Webinar

    algal blooms. CLICK HERE to read more about the webinar and to join the webinar visit ...

  5. CSM students get behind the scenes tour of the Schottenstein Center

    about different construction systems. Students in CSM 2345 toured the Schottenstein Center to learn ... about the HVAC and plumbing systems, fire and noise and vibration control, and the design and ...

  6. What Can You Do With Your Woods?

    woodland owners and those interested in learning more about the forests of Ohio. This class will be held in ...

  7. Eilers' Graduate Defense Seminar

    overconsumption on environmental health and ecological process has become clear. Despite concerns about the degree ... about appropriate behavior emanate from the social groups with which individuals associate (McDonald ... addresses two questions about the effect of social norms on engagement in three behaviors that vary in their ...

  8. Bad Winters Hard on Pond Fish: What You Can Do

    in summer. Elevate it to about 2 feet below the surface of the water. Or move it to shallow water. ... Set an air stone, too, about 2 feet deep. How it helps: By raising a bubbler or air stone, you limit ... more about preventing winter fish kills, Braig suggests these sources, all from OSU Extension: ...

  9. Northwest Ohio Corn-Soybean Day

    continental breakfast and lunch. Details about the event, including a downloadable, mailable registration form ...

  10. The Fish and Wildlife Society Meeting

    be there talking about wildlife diseases and veterinary jobs in wildlife.       ...
