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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. Milk Pricing and Policy

    indicate that for the first 18 weeks of 2003, dairy cow slaughter is running about 12 to 13% ahead of last ...

  2. Forage Inventory Needs for Dairy Farms

    consume about 16 lb/day of DM (11 lb/day for a Jersey heifer herd). Multiplying the appropriate number by ...

  3. Ohio 4-H Judges Excel in Fall Competitions

    Program Specialist at The Ohio State University. If you would like more information about becoming a part ...

  4. Guidelines for Feeding Low Forage Diets to Dairy Cows

    be important when feeding low forage diets. Always add a buffer to the ration at about 0.8% of DM ...

  5. Energy Balance of Cows and Mastitis: Potential Linkages

    a common problem during the dry period because dry cows only require about 14 Mcal of NEL/day. To meet, but ...

  6. Wanted: Excellent Ohio Dairy Farms for 2010 Farm Financial Analysis

    historic dairy data, or: This is what “the pits” (2009) looked like… Financials for 2009 looked about like ...

  7. Beck and Fisher recognized for generosity and service

    is a former member of Ohio State’s Board of Trustees, where he engaged in critical dialogue about the ...

  8. Working With Creditors When Times Are Tight

    cannot be developed, then hard questions have to be asked about the long-term viability of the farm as it ...

  9. Update on Footbaths for Dairy Cattle

    Ask your supplier about effectiveness of the products; some available products have little efficacy ...

  10. Feeding Glycerol to Dairy Cattle

    glycerol is a byproduct from the process. Every gallon of biodiesel produced will general about 0.75 lb of ...
