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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. Establishing Alfalfa

    time period to establish alfalfa seedings.  Have you thought about what needs to be done to ...

  2. Chadwick Arboretum featured on NBC 4

    covers 12,000 square feet. To view the article click this link. Learn more about our green roof by ...

  3. Commercial Activity Tax Update

    receipts." A second question was asked about milk and other livestock sales from Ohio farms to out-of-state ... more about the CAT and other new Ohio tax information at: ...

  4. Launch of the Dairy Farm Manager Academy Program

    registration deadline has been set for December 1 so we can have about two months to prepare for the program, ...

  5. Celebrating Your Impact

    These stories are about our donors and their impact-- both immediate and everlasting. Impact on ... about implementing robots in the operation. Kyle was in 4-H for 8 years where he showed hogs at the ... put together in town every year called First Farm Fridays. He also talks about farm safety and to ...

  6. Evaluate the Total Amount of Corn-Derived Protein in Diets When Considering Using Distillers Grains

    basis), milk yields ranged from about 50 to 100 lb/day and milk true protein concentration ranged from ... about 2.6 to 3.2%.  The forages were mainly corn silage and/or alfalfa, ground corn was the primary ... ranged from about 14 to 20%.  Overall, control diets were fairly typical Midwestern diets.  Dietary CP ...

  7. Niblack Begins as CFAES Acting Senior Associate Dean

    Please join us in congratulating Terry and thanking her, Larry and Guo-Liang for accepting these ...

  8. USDA Releases DAIRY 2014: Dairy Management Practices in the United States

    University The Dairy 2014 study was conducted in 17 of the US major dairy states and refers to estimates for ... the calendar year of 2013. Data collected for the study represented 76.7% of U.S. dairy operations and ... 80.3% of US dairy cows at the time of the study interview. Farm size was defined as very small (< 30 ...

  9. Pricing Drought-Stressed and Immature Corn for Silage

    silage (very early milk stage) CP   10 to 11%                     (about 2 or 3 units higher than normal) ... NDF 50 to 55%                    (about 10 units higher than normal) Starch 15 to 20%                  ... (about 15 units lower than normal) NEL, 0.60 to 0.63 Mcal/lb    (90 to 95% of normal) As the corn silage ...

  10. Save the Date: Farm Science Review Is Sept. 20-22

    available soon; however, please save the date and we will plan to see you there! Find more information about ...
