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Elevator Speech Workshop
Are you unsure about how to introduce yourself at networking events like the Career Expos? Want ... some help polishing your elevator pitch? Come to this workshop to learn about how to develop an ...
OCVN Webinar: Volunteer opportunities at the Wilds
help us to improve this habitat for wildlife while improving ecosystems and conserving native plants. ...
$3+ Million NIH Grant Funds Earth Scientist's Work on Medical Implants
a common human blood protein coating an implanted device. This discovery offers clues about potential ... factors; we predict there are small changes in the organism’s genome. Our new grant will allow us to ... easy; you need patience and persistence to make them happen. Fortunately, for us, some funding agencies, ...
Parks & Rec Society Meeting
find out about them is to come to our meeting THIS THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 1 AT 7:00pm in MENDENHALL LAB Rm ...
Good fences, good neighbors? Coordination across property boundaries among private landowners
approach to investigate coordinated management among private landowners in the US Pacific Northwest and ...
Fire and Mechanical Treatments for Kirtland’s Warbler Habitat Management in Northern Lower Michigan
Fish and Wildlife Society visited the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s Kirtland's Warbler Wildlife ... regarding data collection on snags. This experience provided us some hands-on experience with conducting ...
Careers in Sustainability Webinar
Interested in a career in sustainability? Join in on a conversation about sustainability careers ...
Forestry Mission
continuing educational opportunities in forestry for professionals and for the public through comprehensive ...
From Summits to Sustainability-- Reaching for High Places, Personally and Professionally
co-op in the U.S. REI has aggressive, multi-faceted sustainability and stewardship programs, from ...
Careers in Sustainability Webinar
Interested in a career in sustainability? Join in on a conversation about sustainability careers ...