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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Gardening for Pollinators- Beekeeping Webinar

    Join us for our free, monthly webinar series beginning in March. All webinars are recorded and ...

  2. Honey Bee Nutrition- Beekeeping Webinar

    Join us for our free, monthly webinar series beginning in March. All webinars are recorded and ...

  3. Western ARS Agronomy Field Day

    questions? – we expect John Fulton and his high-speed planter and Alex Lindsey to talk about crop sensors as ...

  4. Milk Production Enters Slow Growth Phase- Will Milk Prices Rebound?

    coaster that we know as the U.S. dairy market As we look back at the dairy markets over the last four ... billion dollars. It was the best of times once again! As is the case for the US dairy, all of that cash ... and US milk production posted a 2.5% gain over 2001. What happened to milk price? You guessed it! The ...

  5. Communiqué April 24, 2013

    for OSUE (about $865,000) in 2014 and a 3.1% increase for OARDC (about $1 million)for both FY14 and ... program is separate from our general OSU Extension line item. We will know more about the state budget ... community.    Click on the following link for information about submitting a proposal: http://extensionstaff ...

  6. FAQs Online Courses

    anywhere! Although marketed towards Master Gardeners, anyone interested in learning about plant diseases and ... already taken the course! We've had people from 24 states take the course. What is the course about ... you wanted because the course is SELF-PACED! About how many hours a week should I expect to dedicate ...

  7. Dairy Cattle Lameness

    concern.  Most dairy operations are concerned about bacterial infections that lead to digital dermatitis.  ...

  8. The Costs of Nutrients and Comparison of Feedstuffs Prices

    1. Compared to its historical 6-year average of about 10¢/Mcal, NE L sub> is still a highly priced ... neighborhood of 33 Mcal/day of NE L.  Thus, you have to pay about 33 × $0.189 = $6.23/cow/day to supply the ... dietary energy required by a 70 lb/day cow.  For MP, its current price (27.2¢/lb) is just about its 6-year ...

  9. Harvesting and Storing Corn Silage

    between about 30 (for bunkers) and 38% (uprights). See the Corn Silage Update article in the September, ... and increase starch by about 2 percentage units, and High cut will decrease lignin concentration ... (i.e., most kernels are physically damaged), setting the chopper so that about 10% of the corn silage is ...

  10. Beginner Beekeeping Class

    the course of four weeks, learn from experienced beekeepers what you need to know about starting your ...
