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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Space Adventure Camp

    flying machines, conduct computer flight simulations, learn about the principles of aerodynamics and gain ...

  2. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2004-07

    in the use of herbicides, and how to maximize their effectiveness, that we forget to think about ... herbicides for corn (especially grass herbicides) be applied no more than about a week before planting to ... about half are under spraying. In one case, the sprayer was over applying by 75%. Sprayers should be ...

  3. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2012-17

    from about V5 (the five leaf collar stage) to V10 or slightly beyond. Ear formation is probably well ... determined. Kernel row numbers per ear are generally established by about V7. Will the recent moisture stress ... stages of the corn reported damaged by hail storms in NW Ohio last week were at about V5 or earlier when ...

  4. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2010-01

    drained you are probably wondering what I am talking about but to the guys whose dirt is one step away ... that we know where to look and those of us in the north can get better and knowing when to look. There ... We will continue to monitor in Ohio as soybean rust continues to approach the middle tier of ...

  5. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2007-10

    this issue about that). It was also quite interesting to see the difference between species in freeze ... fall. Plant Your Forages Now! Authors: Mark Sulc I've heard some questions about planting forages, ... Remember, take time to adjust the planter so seed is placed about one-quarter inch deep to no more than ...

  6. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2004-13

    application of atrazine premix products, when the first flush of weeds has emerged but is less than about an ... information about the risk prediction model, the biology of the disease and instructions on how to use the ... answering these questions click 'OK' and the map of the US will come up. Pointing your mouse to ...

  7. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2010-09

    Research Update Reminders About Dry weather and Preemergence Corn Herbicide Performance Is Your Wheat Field ... university extension specialists in neighboring states are saying about seeding rates for corn in 2010 check ...   Reminders About Dry weather and Preemergence Corn Herbicide Performance We are in the middle of ...

  8. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2010-08

    GDDs for the long term norm. Last year during a cool wet April in 2009, we only accumulated about 42 ... high as 10 degrees, since April 1. Corn requires about 100 GDDs to emerge but emergence requirements ... accumulate per day, and corn should emerge in about 10 days (100 GDDs to emerge/10 GDDs per day = 10 days). ...

  9. 4-H Science Saturday: What's up with the weather?

    of clouds, find out about the density of air and even do some weather observations.   We’ll be ...

  10. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2009-06

    have been asking about the loss potential of topdressed nitrogen on wheat prior to the heavy rains and ... elongation. In that year, nitrogen was applied in the first part of March about 10 – 14 days ahead of greenup. ... question. Check with your County Extension AgNR educator about setting up an on-farm experiment. Insect ...
