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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. Evaluating the Performance of Stream Restoration Projects in Ohio (Dec. 6, 2011) Webinars ...

  2. Fall Weed Control Odds and Ends

    further spread if found.  Where plants or patches of these are encountered, think twice about just ...

  3. Early POST application of preemergence corn and soybean herbicides

    At this point there should be little concern about a lack of rain to “activate” preemergence ... about an inch tall will require the addition of glyphosate, Liberty, or other herbicide with effective ... less than about two inches tall to ensure that risk of yield loss from early weed interference is ...

  4. Dairy Lab Workshop

    procedures in a working dairy laboratory. Testing is centered on all dairy products. You will learn about new ...

  5. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2011-22

    until the lower leaves can no longer be identified. At about the V6 stage, increasing stalk and nodal ... approximately 785 GDDs have accumulated. If you assume that the crop emerged in about 120 GDDs, then the ... estimated leaf stage for the crop would be about V8. This estimate is calculated by first subtracting 120 ...

  6. Ohio no-till field day announced

    begins at 9:00 a.m. and will end about 4:00 p.m. Lunch is included. Registration and a detailed agenda ...

  7. Bumper crop of jobs for ag-school graduates

    Petcare U.S. — yes, that’s part of the same company that makes M&M candies — who would help develop ... his classmates, Chris Gehret dreams about being a farmer. The past state officer for Ohio Future ...

  8. Rethinking Gramoxone at a Reduced Price

    poisoning, and changes to the formulation over the years have resulted in a generally safer product. The US ...

  9. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2005-13

    April 25. Over this 5 day period soil temperatures dropped from 60 degrees F to about 40 degrees F at ... below 60 degrees F until about May 3. Therefore, germinated seedlings and seeds were under persistent ... initial planting, yield potential is about 10% greater if you tear up the field and start over with an ...

  10. Late Summer Perennial Forage Seeding

    develop a root system capable of overwintering.   For example, at about 8 to 10 weeks after emergence ... Extension office at 330-264-8722 for more information about forage establishment. ...
