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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Dr. Barb Kowalcyk talks about food recalls and how consumers can stay safe during the pandemic.


  2. The Most Overworked Cities in the US Might Surprise You

    Urban Food and Agriculture ...

  3. US Cities Are Losing 36 Million Trees a Year: What You Can Do to Help

    Urban Food and Agriculture ...

  4. Planning Creative Cities: Global Trends, Local Action

    Registration is open for the 2016 Barnett Symposium on the Arts and Public Policy, titled ... main event will be hosted at the Columbus Museum of Art. Cost is $50 for general public, $25 for ...

  5. Why Public Spaces Are Critical Social Infrastructure

    Urban Food and Agriculture ...

  6. Connect With Us!

    Session Present an informational seminar for our students to learn about real-world industry situations, ...

  7. Entrepreneurial Innovation Introductory Guide

    entrepreneurship in public sector organizations (Jordan, 1990; Moore, 1983). Creating value for customers, putting ... purpose of public organizations (Morris & Kuratko, 2002). Participants learn to improve: Awareness of ...

  8. Special Project Puts Ohio 4-H in Cleveland, Cincinnati Classrooms

    programming. “One week we talked about where food comes from,” said Staubach, whose degrees are in public ... Virginia. “My level of knowledge about farming and agriculture first came from things like bringing in hay ... Quest" project, his students were particularly interested in talking about what was going on inside the ...

  9. Julie Fox Guest Editor of Metropolitan Universities Journal

    Networks." The journal is a publication of the Coalition of Urban and Metropolitan Universities (CUMU), an ...

  10. Publications Available from the Kettering Foundation

    Urban Food and Agriculture ...
